Sunday, March 29, 2009

There Was Something In The Air Last Night

Yesterday afternoon, Yordie Sands opened her Japanese Garden to bluesy friends and the magnificent geishas from Little Yoshiwara. It was an off the beaten path locale for the blusey set, but many friends (over 30) came to visit, watch the geishas perform and contribute to the BFA 2009 kiosk. During the event, Magi announced that the contributions helped drive the grand total over L$500,000. This was a good sign of things to come.

Head Geisha (Okaasan) Xuemei Yiyuan does an impromptu performance for guests in the Garden hut, she was followed by geisha Masumi Manamiko. (Photo by Magi McBride)

Early in the evening, DJ Luci Bergbahn spun another one of her custom sets for an especially large Saturday night crowd at Junkyard Blues. Luci not only does a great job of spinning but she also has a way with the crowd that seemed to draw more and more dawgs to contribute to BFA. As the evening rolled on Steal Hawker offered to match the next L$10,000 donated, and this pulled Irongut McAllister right into the frey. Steal's matching funds helped drive the BFA grand total from L$501,000 to over L$540,000. And suddenly, the evening's goal for L$600,000 seemed to be within reach.

By the time the Ball and ArorA Chadborne's concert began at 8pm, there was definitely something in the air and it was truly wonderful. Maybe it was the huge crowd that was gathering, over 90 peeps by my count at one point. Maybe it was all the women and men in their lovely evening gowns and tuxedos. Maybe it was AurorA's amazing, amazing voice and the songs she sang to touch our hearts, like "Someone to Watch Over Me".

Regardless of what it was, wave after wave of contributions poured in. We passed the evenings goal and no sooner had we passed that goal another wave of contributions drove the total even higher. By the end of ArorA's concert there was this note in my log: "[2009/03/28 21:19] Magi McBride shouts: L$ 679,850". But there was still more to be tallied and a little later the final total reached L$703,000!

The beautiful ArorA begins the benefit ball with songs that only she can sing! (Photo by Yordie Sands)

More than 90 guests in attendance, women dressed in their loveliest gowns and the men in their tuxedos. (Photo by Yordie Sands)

Magi McBride, arms above her head, shouts,
"L$679,850" (photo by Yordie Sands)

And Kiff Clutterbuck, debonair and leading the applause, thank you for sponsoring this memorable event!

To conclude, I'll break into a chorus of "Fernando" by Abba, "There was something in the air that night...", nah, nah, no. Let's just say that the goal of L$600,000 was smashed by a hundred thousand lindens!

In a brief chat I had with Kiff Clutterbuck he told me, "This is the kind of thing that reminds us how many really decent people are in here."

And Magi McBride said, "I want to thank Kiff & Dina, ArorA, Luci and all the JY Dawgs for every linden that went to the effort."

Monday, March 23, 2009

Miss BFA 2009 Mixer Rawks

The beautiful DJ Amy Furgeson (photo by Magi McBride) got the get together rolling with some great tunes as the ladies arrived in their limos (that's a teleport in SL speak). The dress was casual and the women showed their unique style of beauty, and the attendance was great throughout the day.

The mixer begins to the tunes of DJ Amy Furgeson (photo by Yordie).

Supporters arrive by the carload (photo by Magi).

Sponsor Gospel Voom (photo by Magi).

Magi McBride reports that by the end of the event the total contributions had risen from the Kickoff's L$402,235 to a new grand total L$455,510 -- not bad for a little get together.

The next scheduled event will be BFA Benefit Ball on Saturday, March 28th 8-9 SLT. It will feature live music with ArorA Chadbourne at Junkyard South. If you have never heard ArorA sing, then this is a must concert. If you have, we know you plan to be there.

More pictures to come! In the course of covering these events we are getting a great photo collection including photos from Leanna, Magi, myself and others. This week we will put up a Flickr webpage to feature the many photos what we don't have a spot for in these blog entries. Yay! So, if you don't see yourself in the photos of the event, you probably will on the Flickr page.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Kickoff Party - SUCCESS

Sunday was the Kickoff party for BFA 2009 and Beauty Contest. The location was Oasis at Magnolia Falls, also the site where the bluesy SL beauties have their photos posted for contributions to the fundraiser. The party started at 5pm SLT but the beauties arrived all day in their swim suits. Luci Bergbahn was spinning one of her patented selections of rock and blues. BFA staff members Mat Deerhunter, Ange Lemieux, Bluto Brando, Leanna Chaffe, Jenna Jeffries, yours truly and, of course, Magi McBride were working the event. Photo of Magi, Mat and friends (photo by Leanna Chaffe).

There are a lot of very pretty avies in Second Life but the bluesy women have a special way about them, and in bikinis they were a knockout. I want to name all the wonderful women who came but there were so many coming and going that it was almost impossible to keep track of, over 55 onsite at one point, averaging over 30 for the entire event. Some of the sponsors and long time BFA friends where there too including Kiff & Dina, Ziffy & Lauralee, Aynnie & Hart and too many of the REAL JYB Dreamgirls and other BFA friends to name... uh, except maybe Kia who always lends her special charisma to any event. Wall of Beauty Contest posters, 46 total (photo by Leanna Chaffee).

After the event, Magi and I had a brief interview and I learned that the Kick Off party drove the contributions to L$402,235 (that's about US$1,600). Magi was clearly touched, saying "I'm overwhelmed." But this was a shared feeling by many people at the event. Luci got choked up as her set ended and she reflected on what a wonderful group effort this really was. And it was a lovely acknowledgement that our bluesy friends have big hearts. Warmest regards to all of you! Following is a photo I shot as the evening rolled on.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Commentary by Magi McBride

This is an event that I started last year, and it is a cause that is near and dear to my heart. I have a 5 year old grandson that was diagnosed as Autistic at 18 months of age. This is a condition that can be very unsettling simply because there is no real answer as to what causes Autism or what if anything or ever will be a way to prevent or help solve this mystery.

My grandson Joey... is an amazing little man, and the most precious angel to walk the face of this earth. He has come so far since he was diagnosed, and the little everyday things that so many of us take for granted have become reasons for us to celebrate, almost on a daily if not weekly basis. Joey was provided with in home therapy until he was old enough to go into the public school system. Three days a week he had a therapist come into the home and work with him on, Speech, Physical and Occupational skills. He went from a child that would not look at you when you talked to him or even called his name, to one that will climb into your lap and hold your face in his hands and look you in the eyes and laugh with you. :) He feeds himself, dresses himself, he is learning computer skills at school which he really seems to enjoy, he doesn't talk yet, though he does say a couple dozen different words or phrases. He can't always express what he wants, but he'll take you by the hand and show you what he wants or needs. I find myself in awe every time I am blessed to be around him. He loves Nemo and Buzz Lightyear and will study things for hours, I would love to be able to step in his brain and find out all the wonderful things going on in there, I know I would be totally blown away.

I love Joey... more than I could ever express... and I find myself truly torn up and devastated at times when I think about what lies ahead for him. I think often of my daughter, Lara, her husband Joe, and their precious daughter, Joey's older sister Emma, and so many things they go through on a day to day basis and the sacrifice that is made at times because Joey doesn't function like other children.

I have met a few people here in Second Life that are Autistic and read a few fascinating and amazing stories of the efforts and strides put forth by them their selves and other organizations like ASA – Autism Society of America.

Last year we were able to raise $3,550.00 US Dollars for the ASA, through the wonderful and generous giving hearts of the people here in Second Life. We held a date auction and a 12 hour concert. This year, we are having a Miss Blues for Autism 2009 Pageant the lady with the most donations will be crowned Miss BFA 2009. We started collecting entries and donations the first of March, (the cut off for entries will be March 13th at 12:00 SLT) and thus far we’ve collected 150,000L with 6 more weeks before the actual pageant ends. Our goal this year is 1,500,000L. We also have the concert to be held the 25th of April… which will be 16 hours this year, with more than half of the performers being live artists. These people along with the awesome DJ’s are a big, big reason we do so well… Everyone is so in tune to the need.