Friday, May 1, 2009

Blues for Autism Organizing Team

Blues for Autism 2009 Organizing Committe, from left:
and Leanna.
(photo by Magi McBride)

For the most part, the Blues for Autism organizers have operated in the background: planning, building, scheduling, fixing and leading the cheers. However, Magi McBride has told me that she could not have accomplished anything without them, starting with Bluto Brando and the rest of the BFA Organizing group including Lucinda Bergbahn, IronGut McCallister, Angellica Lemieux, Mathew Deerhunter and Leanna Chaffee. Following are some stories about them and their thoughts about the work they do for the Blues for Autism fundraiser.

Bluto Brando
Bluto is the man behind the scenes, making things work. Here are his comments: "I've been a BFA Organizer. I did whatever was needed to help organize and run the various events throughout the whole month+ long benefit. My interests in supporting MAgi in this stem from my very close friendship with her."

"Not long before BFA started we opened Shorty's Ice House. A labor of love that was, as was BFA. We're family, and if you've been around us, it's easy to tell that. Magi is one of, if not the most, caring, giving, compassionate people I've ever met in any life. Her giving nature amazes me, and her patience, understanding and personal connection with this cause, is something we all can benefit from. We've had countless talks, be it here or on the phone, about this benefit. It's been an interesting process, and full of ups and downs, laughs and pull-your-hair-out moments."

"In the end, everyone involved came together and realized the goal, to do everything we could to raise as much awareness, and money, as possible to further autism research and education. Magi has been our motivator, and our sparkplug. I love her dearly, a wonderful lady she is, and I am proud to have been associated with this great team of people that busted their humps to make this happen, my deepest thanks to all involved!"

Lucinda Bergbahn
Miss Luci is involved in non-profit managment in real life, but she is very passionate about this work in Second Life. Here are some of her comments.

"The diversity of our community and yet when the passion is a common one great things can be accomplished... the power of collocation that happens in relationships and in community in SL is tremendous... we are still only beginning to usderstand community here... the same things that motivate people to give in RL are also the case here but there is also an element of fun that isn't something that happens in RL events - like the challenge for Iron to get in a thong that also motivates."

For more insights from Luci, please link to her comments from last year.

IronGut McCallister
Iron had these thoughts to share, "Where to start... Well, when talking about Magi McBride, there's a lot to cover. First off, I've known her for over two years now and I must say, she's one of the few that has made it that long. I'm not sure if it's because they get tired of dealing with my BS, but she's endured. Does that mean she's umm.. 'touched'? Maybe, but I know one thing is for sure... she's a remarkable woman.

"Magi hates it when I say she's like my mom, but the truth is... she is kinda like my mom. She loves me unconditionally and looks out for me. However, I guess she'd have to be more like "Stacy's Mom" since she's pretty damn good lookin' and I'd have to say I've had a crush on her since I met her. Hmmm... do you have a daughter named Stacy, Magi?

"In all seriousness, when I tell people in RL about BFA, what it is, how it works, etc... they are always amazed. They're even more amazed when they find out that it came from the mind of a single person... the wonderful, caring, and absolutely amazing... My Magipie... Magi McBride."

Mathew Deerhunter
Mat had a lot to say about BFA: "The reason I decided to help out with Blues For Autism started last year. I remember when BFA was just a little idea Magi had, it didn't even have a name yet, but she and I were talking one day and she told me about her "Little Man", her grandson. Then she told me of an idea she had for Autism Awareness Month. I could see the passion in her discussions about her idea. Magi wrote letters and e-mails and tirelessly to get her idea going."

"During the last year's final event, I met someone affected by autism that really touched me and brought me to tears, and inspired me to participate in this year's fundraiser. I have always thought autism was only about the kids, but they grow into adults, and the autism doesn't go away. I never thought about what the families go through. And I never even had a clue of how all this would affect me; our most special and memorable moments always come so unexpectedly. Today I know what autims is really about and being a BFA Organizer has helped me get out of myself long enough to help someone else. Thank you Magi for having the drive, hard-headedness, and inspiration to make it all happen, all because of Magi's 'little idea'."

Angellica Lemieux
Angellica is another longtime supporter Magi's projects, here are some of her thoughts:

"When it comes to a Lady like Magi McBride where do you begin? With her loving nature, her kindness? Or maybe her generousity in all things. I dont know, because she is beyond words. Her tireless work for Autism Awareness is an inspiration and this year I was privileged to help. I'm not very good at expressing my feelings in words, but Magi is remarkable and I love her dearly."

Leanna Chaffe
Leanna Chaffe is another longtime friend and supporter from last year's BFA fundraiser. Here are some thoughts she shared: "Autism affects all our lives, whether it be through family, friends, co-workers or our community. Being part of this wonderful cause has been a true blessing.

My participation has brought me to tears and goosebumps at times, seeing the generosity of so many. Magi's determination made this possible and allowed us to make a difference. When I look at my children I realize how important it is to defeat this terrible disorder. The BFA fundraiser has helped me feel like I'm doing something to help fight back. From the bottom of my heart, Magi, thank you!"

Yordie Sands (me)
I've known Magi since Summer of 2007. I joined Magi's Blues for Autism project last year because I feel she is a strong woman who makes good things happen. I have personal real life experiences with friends who have children with autism. Frankly, my first encounter with an autistic child frightened me, but I've seen that there is hope for the stricken.

It is my great honor to be involved in this work, and like Miss Luci says, it really and truly gives you a sense of community. It brings out the best in the people of Second Life.

And Of Course,
Magi McBride

To understand Magi's commitment to autism awareness and research, please take a moment and read her comments before this year's fundraiser began.

Thank you Magi for giving all of us the opportunity to participate in such a worthwile cause. As we say in the sisterhood, HUGZZZ.

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