Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Incredible Bluesy Celebrity Auction

It was a Wednesday night at Magi McBride's Natchez Trace. The place was packed with blues club owners, celebrities to all of us in our virtual world, all nervous about being auctioned off for a dance to benefit the Blues for Autism fundraiser. The master of ceremonies was the inimitable Thundergas Menges was going to auction the celebrities off. And the place was packed, almost 80 at the start of the event.

The celebrities represented eleven different Second Life blues clubs: JJ Heartsdale, JJ's Joint; DonPaul Cale*, Hotlanta; Judyblue Stand, Judyblues; Pronvelle Cristole, The Wharf; Cidnee Cooperstone, The Riverside; Jaco Fitzpatrick, The Crossroads; Lucinda Bergbahn, Dreamcatcher's Distillery; Raymond65 Docherty, The Riverside; Richardina "Dina" Petty*, Junkyard Blues; MrDs Magic, Underground Garage; Magi McBride*, Founder of Blues for Autism. (Note: *celeb has also been auctioned in past BFA auctions.)

Everything was there for an great party and an incredible fundraiser. Following is a pictorial review.

The event was formal and the bidders filled the ballroom, 78 people at one point!
(photo by Takamatsu Soke)

Master of Ceremonies Thundergas Menges took the microphone with his inimitable deep voice and began presenting the celebrities for bid.
(photo by Takamatsu Soke)

Some of the celebs sashayed up on the auction stand for their first Blues for Autism dance auction, like JudyBlues Stand.
(Photo by Thor Effingham)

Some old friends, like Junkyard Blues' Dina Petty, came back for a second time on the Blues for Autism auction block.

And there were men who took the stand. Here's Pronvelle Christole representing The Warf.

Blues for Autism Market Place hosting sim The Crossroads owner Jaco Fitzpatrick wore his formal jeans and leather jacket.
(photo by Takamatsu Soke)

The Riverside's Cidnee Cooperstone stands quietly as her high bid soars to L$20,000 but the bidding was far from over on Cidnee!

Even Blues for Autism sponsor, Magi McBride took to the auction block (her second time too), anchoring this exciting event.
(Photo by Takamatsu Soke)

The BFA Dance Auction was a unique event in that it brought together the owners of all the blues club owners in Second Life. That in itself is a wonderful commentary on bluesy people. But these owners put themselves on the auction block and that takes courage because everyone wants to do well, but there will aways be someone who brings in the highest bid. At the end of the event, the total BFA auction donations were L$254,769! And there was more, the total for the BFA kiosks was L$55,951.00!

The grand total for the evening was L$310,720!

And grand total for all fundraising now at L$1,122,536!!

This year's BFA dance auction brought in almost 50% more than last year's auction event, and it's no secret as to why. Even before last year's event was finished, Magi McBride formed a vision of an event with blues club owners and with the outstanding help of Leanna Chaffe, Thor Effingham and Tippy Wingtips working tirelessly, this event was a success in every aspect. So, tip of the had to this organizing team!

Special Thanks to each of the club owners who joined this project and who created the atmosphere for contributions! People who've never been up on an auction block might not realize, that for some of us, it can be very lonely up there.

And as always, the kindest and heart felt thanks to those who bid on our celebs and to those who contributed to the BFA kiosks. Without your generosity this would not have been the success it is.

by Yordie Sands

(personal thanks to Takamatsu Soke and Thor Effingham for helping me with photographing the event when my own broadband service was failing me.)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Angels on Ice @ Coral Tropics

On Saturday, April 23rd, the organizers of "Angles on Ice" created a winter wonderland to their tropical paradise for a Blues for Autism fundraiser. The event was organized by Chantalelisa Jewell, Cienna Rossini, Cindi Shippe and held at Coral Tropics, owned by DJ Konrad.

"Angels on Ice" was a three-hour event which featured both DJs and live entertainers. Performers included DJ Konrad, singer Savannah Coronet and singer/songwriter Paul Nowles.

"Angles on Ice" was held in the beautiful snow globe at Coral Tropics.

The show opened with DJ Konrad acting in his role of master of ceremonies and performing as DJ. Even before DJ Konrad began, guests had begun contributing to Blues for Autism kiosks.

Next was a live performance by the lovely Savannah Coronet who sang her special blend of "Rockin', Country-fied, Gaga'd, Jazzed & Blued" songbook.

Later in the program was BFA 2010 Blues Fest performer, Paul Kowles. Paul sang and played a great set including Chasing Cars.

Throughout the event, auctions were held and as each item sold it seemed to drive the bidders to bid higher and higher. Here's Cindi Scaggs conducting one of the auctions.

There was a large crowd throughout the three hour event. Many guests danced while others ice skated, but all were very generous.

In addition to entertainment, an auction was held to auction off donations from the following contributing sponsors: Alphamale, Boutique Lovely, Coral Tropics, Caelum Beach, Emotions by Purple Moon, Hope's dream, Kidd Grass Garden, and Jewellery by Zuri.

This was a well coordinated event with wonderful acts and fun activities. Donations to the kiosk throughout the evening totalled L$48,188, and the auction brought in another L$31,812.

The grand total for the evening was L$80,000.

And Blues for Autism grand total is now L$787,486.

Thanks go to the people who donated to kiosks and participated in the auction. Thanks to the vendors who provided items for the auction. And special thanks to the performers who contributed their talents.

by Yordie Sands

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Beatles @ Underground Garage

On Good Friday, the Underground Garage brought back The Beatles' famous rooftop concert as a fundraising event for Blues for Autism 2011. The event was also the UG's second fundraiser for BFA 2011 in the past week! The events were organized by MrDs Magic and Layla Mesmeriser, owners of the UG.

Early in the evening, co-organizer MrD began telling the gathering crowd of his love of the Beatles music. He told us that the original rooftop concert was an unannounced event that took place on the roof of Apple studio. He also told us the concert lasted only 45 minutes, but through the magic of Second Life this concert would last much longer.

The Beatles tribute band's stage was an exact replica of the rooftop of the Apple Building in London. The band was comprised of the four Beatles and Billy Preston on keys, and included Gabrielle Vespucciano as John, Nimue "Nim" Silvercloud as Paul, Chelsie Levenque as George, Gris "Cowboy" Sharktooth as Ringo and Zara Mistwalker as Billy. The band had amazing Beatles replica avatars and presented a great show.

The concert didn't start until 7:00pm but people had began arriving even before 5:00pm. There was a great crowd that once the concert started, stayed near the 60 level until late.

The crowd continued to pour in until the sim maxed out. As they poured in they began donating to Blues for Autism even before the show began.

When the crowd couldn't wait a moment longer, the lights went on and the show began to a volley of cheers, yays, woohoos and wows.

Despite the fact that this was the last time the guys would perform publicly, it felt like they were all here with us playing the music that changed music for generations.

The Beattles played on the rooftop as evening turned into night.

It seemed that everyone who attended this Beatles tribute concert had some type of personal connection with many, many of the songs that were played. And as more and more autism awareness fundraisers are held, we also learn that everyone knows someone who has been impacted by the condition known as autism. There is much to learn about autism and through events like this concert we not only raise money to support autism awareness, but also use the time to provide autism facts.

At final tally, the Underground Garage gang raised another $L43,020!

When the Beatles Concert donations are added to donations raised this past Sunday, the folks at the Underground Garage have contributed over L$160,000. Thank yous to those who donated. Thanks yous to Layla & MrD. And thank yous to the members of The Beatles tribute band.

by Yordie Sands

Thursday, April 21, 2011

BFA Mardi Gras @ The Crossroads

Last night, Jaco Fitzpatrick's The Crossroads hosted the Blues for Autism's "Mardi Gras" and the kickoff of the "2011 DJ Fundraiser".

The event was very much Mardi Gras with large crowds of merrymakers in feathers and masks, and a great kick-off of the DJ fundraiser with over 30 DJs signing up (contest runs for full week).

Jaco Fitzpatrick wore his finest for the opening of the Mardi Gras in the Crossroads Market Square.

The Mardi Gras was initially scheduled from 6:00-8:00pm SLT but it started early and was taken deep into the night, as any good Mardi Gras should. Long time Blues for Autism supporter, DJ Breeze Windrum kicked off the event with an amazing selection of Cajun, Zydeco and Bluesy music.

DJ Bree Windrum was masked and decked out in feathers, but you could tell it was her just by the always right-on selection of music which included the fantastic sounds of accordions wailing out Zydeco!

There's a giant 2011 DJ Fundraiser board and by the early evening, over 30 DJs joined.
To vote for your favorite DJ or for more details, head over to...

Speaking personally and as an experienced hostess, I was amazed that the large number of people who came to the event throughout the evening. Being a hostess I like to think I have a good idea of who is coming and going and returning from any event I host, but the sheer number of guests was more than I could keep track of.

Early in the evening the crowds began arriving at the tp portal but also from many other directions, some motoring in on their bikes from the roads surrounding The Crossroads.

Many guests really got into the Mardi Gras theme including BFA founder Magi McBride (left).

As the clock rolled onto 8:00pm, DJ Bluesboy "Bluesy" Gloster took over the stream from Bree and took the music, dancing and fundraising deep into the night.

The BFA Marketplace
In addition to the event and the DJ board, Crossroad's Market Square is the location of the Blues for Autism Marketplace. The market place contains items donated by BFA Sponsors for sale. The full proceeds of each sale go to Blues for Autism. Please take the time to TP over there, vote for your favorite DJ and maybe buy some of the great merchandise.

At the end of the night, the results of both the Mardi Gras and DJ Fundraiser was fantastic. The Mardi Gras kiosk accumulated L$37,385 while the DJ Board posted a whopping L$88,194.

The total for the night was L$125,579!

This was the first Blues for Autism event held at The Crossroads and thank yous go to the great people who hang at XR really delivered! Special thanks to Merrymay Lorsgval who hosted the event.

Note: Magi McBride reports that the current total of all funds raised from events and kiosks is now L$587,896.

by Yordie Sands

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Underground Garage Goes Impromptu

An impromptu affair... well, ok an impromptu event... took place Sunday, April 17th at the Underground Garage. MrDs Magic and Layla Mesmeriser (who by the way are giving all club proceeds given this month to Blues for Autism) IM'd me to tell me that the DJ, IsisRea Diavolo wanted to turn her gig into a BFA event with all tips going to BFA!

I arrived at the UG about 5:30 pm and quite a few people had already gathered. A lot of people I already knew were there and a few I didn't. A very friendly group was enjoying DJ Isis' set of "Dirty Blues Women" (greatest Blues women). I spoke with Isis and she relayed to me the fact that her mother worked with Autistic children and how much it meant to her mom to be able to do so.

The gang at Underground Garage was rockin' and DJ Isis was spinnin'
(far left foreground Ron Zimer, Magi, Layla in pink, MrDs far right).

IsisRea Diavolo is from Romania, is founder and owner of Dirty Waves Radio & Homeless Shelter and Diavolo Creations. She is a builder and creator excellent grunge buildings and clothing. Her musical taste runs deep and in many directions, including, but not limited to old rock and roll, and blues. She is always willing to help out anyone in need, and never asks for anything in return. She loves SL for the great friends she has made and the opportunity to share the music, which is her passion

As Isis cranked out her tunes, more people (at least 35 when I dared to risk the lag and look) and even more donations continued rolling in. However, my attempt at taking my only picture that night crashed me with L$30k on the kiosk. When I returned the total was over L$60k and these great people weren't done. The friendship between the patrons at the UG runs deep, and they challenged each other for a few more hours and by the time Isis wrapped things up for the night, MrDs reported an amazing total of L$120,000 raised.

DJ IsisRea Diavolo, a hot lady with a big heart! 

Many many thanks go out to the Underground Garage, MrDs, Layla, Isis and their amazing patrons.

by Magi McBride

BFA Beach Babe 2011 Winner is...

The Blues for Autism 2011 Beach Babe Contest was tallied yesterday and the winner is -- drum roll -- Merrymay Lorgsval. Yay! Merrymay is no stranger to winning BFA contests, in 2009 she was Miss Blues for Autism.

There were 21 entrants in the contest and the combined total raised was L$26,118. Thank yous to everyone who donated to entrants, and special thanks to the entrants who joined in the contest.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Partners & Sponsors

The Blues for Autism funraiser has many partners and sponsors. We just created a special "Sponsors" tab (above, just under blog title) for you to see all of their names with links to SLURLs (map locations) of their sites. Please take a moment and checkout this list of wonderful friends.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

ZZ Top @ BFA Beach Party

Lightening Productions has done a wonderful job in their tributes to many of the classic rock and blues bands, they've also been a great friend to the Blues for Autism initiative. And last night, the Lightening crew presented an amazing ZZ Top concert for the BFA 2011 Beach Party fundraiser. Magi McBride hosted the event at her Natchez Trace sim which had been transformed into a beach with palms, beach chairs, beach bar, bonfire and the beautiful ZZ Top set; there was even a red hot rod parked nearby.

In addition, DJ Jacan Slade took over after the concert and delivered his own amazing set of rockin' blues. And also, this was the kickoff of the Beach Babe Contest which runs for a week, sponsored by Kizmet Kidd's TenderLove HUD product.

The ZZ Top crew included Coz OKelly as Dusty Hill, Plato Ninetails as Billy Gibbons and Thor Effingham as Frank Beard. There was a hot pack of dancers with Kenzia Mager, Rhonda Thibedeau and Cherrylicious Doobie.

The show opened with Dusty (Cuz) and Billy (Plato) raging on their fuzzy guitars while Frank (Thor-Oh-Good) was wailing on his drums.

As the show got rolling, Thor pulled the mufflers off his drums and the dudes put the music on turbocharge.

The music was totally ZZ Top with everything from"Blue Jean Blues" to "Tush". And there was a great crowd of beach goers, averaging 40 much of the night.

Here's BFA Founder Magi McBride, next to the Blues for Autism 2011 kiosk, in a hot itsy-bitsy leopard skin bikini.

After the flaming ZZ Top Concert, Crossroads regular DJ Jacan Slade took over the stream and began spinning a fantastic set which included more rock and blues. Jacan started his set with AC/DC's "Thunderstruck" and included others from Santana to War.

Last night was also the kickoff of the BFA Beach Babe Contest and 20 babes (including dudes!!) signed up. The prize for winning is a TenderLove 4.0 HUD. To vote join or vote for your favorite babe, click this Natchez Trace link for SLURL.

It was a wonderful evening for the Blues for Autism 2011 fundraiser. The Concert & Beach Party brought in L$26,561, and the Beach Babe Contest brought in an additional L$15,969.

The evenings donations of L$42,530 drove the BFA total to L$311,806.

Thank you to the performers, and thank you to all the guests who contributed and/or joined the Beach Babe Contest. Always, thank you to the BFA Organizing Committee, with special thanks to Takamatsu Soke who co-hosted the evening's event with yours truly.

And a reminder: all Lindens donated will be converted to US Dollars at the end of the fundraiser and contributed to Autism

by Yordie Sands

Sunday, April 10, 2011

4th Annual Fundaiser @ Junkyard Blues

From the first Blues for Autism fundraiser, Junkyard Blues has been a sponsor and committed supporter each year, staging a live music concerts and calling on it's large group of Dawgs & Dawgettes, and it's core of volunteers, the REAL Junkyard Blues Dreamgirls.

This year Kiff Clutterbuck & Dina Petty continued their tradition with a Saturday night concert starring English Jazz & Blues singer Gina Gracemount. Naturally, the Blues for Autism team was there with founder Magi McBride and event organizer Dillon Janus.

The concert and fundraiser all came together beautifully with people counts running above 70 all night. At one point the count went up to 80, spread across the Junkyard's two sim club area.

Before the fundraiser began, DJ Luci Bergbahn mixed heart felt remarks about autism and Blues for Autism with her fantastic Saturday night set.

This year's fundraiser concert was a little later in the evening than in the past, and among the people who gathered early where Dina, Magi (back row, blue dress) and Kiff. Far right in tux is organizer Dillon Janus.

Lively Gina Gracemount opened the show, bringing her English charm and specially blended set of songs to the Junkyard.

I counted 78 people in the Yard as Gina sang a deep, slow, sexy rendition of "The Beat Goes On". Gina who was new to the Junkyard showed remarkable talent.

Dina kept an eye on the BFA Kiosk as it swelled with donations, due in large measure to Reno Troncon who rarely chats in open chat, but on this night was the champion leading the call for donations. Bravo Reno!

Gina not only brought her talent to the Junkyard, she helped drive the donations. The largest donation of the night was L$30,000. Bravo!

Each year as the Junkyard Blues fundraiser draws near, everyone involve becomes nervous, nervous about how the economy will impact donations and if our bluesy family will continue to give as generously has they have in the past. And each year we are amazed when the fundraiser beats the previous year. However, beating last year's total, which smashed the previous year would be hard. Last year, Aurora Chadborne led the effort which reached L$105,000. At the time, everyone felt this might be an all time record.

This year's Junkyard Blues fundraiser raised an awesome L$117,431.

Thank you to Kiff & Dina and the bluesy community at Junkyard Blues! Special thanks to Gina Gracemount for giving of her time and talent to make this yet another record breaking year for Blues for Autism.

Blues for Autism grand total thus far: L$259,446

Next event is Tuesday, April 12th with ZZ Top and a Beach Babe contest, please check the Event Schedule for full details.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

BFA on Destination Guide

Blues for Autsim is not listed on the Second Life Destination Guide. Please drop by and give us a Facebook "Like".

Blues for Autism

Blues for Autism 2011 continues a month-long series of events with the Junkyard Benefit Concert on April 9 at 9 p.m. (Pacific). Proceeds from the events go to The Autism Society, a leading grassroots autism organization. See a full schedule of events at:
Visit in Second Life

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

L$100,000+ Kickoff for BFA 2011

Last night, April 4th was a long awaited night by members of the BFA Organizing Committee. Everyone was nervous, as usual, as the start of this year's fundraiser drew near. But last night, the setting was right and the right people were there, so last nights Blues For Autism 2011 Formal Kickoff was destined to be a success.

First, there was the magnificent Glass Pavilion at Calas Galadhon. Tymus Tenk & Truck Meredith generously offered this venue for the event, and in many ways it set the tone for the event with it's great glass ceilings and walls revealing the hills and trees nestled into a lovely valley that surrounded the building.

The Glass Pavilion @ Calas Galadhon, venue for Blues for Autism 2011 Kickoff Fundraiser

This year, Anthony Wesburn contributed his time and services as a DJ to open Blues for Autism 2011. Right from the beginning of the ball, he began weaving a mix of romantic and soulful tunes and blending his messages about the difficulties faced by individuals and children with autism. Throughout the night Anthony revealed many of the startling facts about autism, including the fact that autism cannot be cured but must be treated. He reminded us of the commitment families make to help their autistic children realize happy lives, and the toll this can take on those families.

Anthony Wesburn performed as our DJ, but spoke for our hearts as he told stories of the impact of autism on children and families.

Magi McBride with Dillon Janus (left) and behind is DJ Anthony Westburn.

The night was magic and many people from the bluesy community returned to this years event, but also many people from the Calas Galadhon community, and other autism supports joined the benefit. In fact, despite people coming and going, there were over 50-60 people (70 at one point) on the sim all night. And those who took the time to attend contributed generously.

Attendees were dressed beautifully and colors filled the pavilion.
Guests were there to dance and enjoy each other's company,
and to contribute generously.

I tried several times to catch a great photo of Ty & Truck dancing but due to the huge crowds, lag never let Truck's jacket fully rez. Nonetheless, the owners of Calas Galadhon cast their special magic on the crowd and the donations poured in.

The beautiful Glass Pavilion was the idea venue to kickoff this year's event and it put guest in the mood to donate generously. And the end of the evening, contributions soared.

This event exceeded last year's opening substantially, but when you add in the donations received before the fundraiser began and the monies collected from the kiosks that night, Blues for Autism 2011 opened with L$119,636.

Thank you to our hosts, Truck & Tymus. Thank you the wonderful DJ Anthony Westburn. Thank you to the Blues for Autism 2011 Organizing Committee. And of course, thank you to Magi McBride, founder and driving force behind Blues for Autism.

by Yordie Sands

And a reminder: all Lindens donated will be converted to US Dollars at the end of the fundraiser and contributed to Autism

Saturday, April 2, 2011

What is Blues for Autism About?

Blues for Autism - is in it's4th year. The previous years have been truly amazing, exceeding all expectations. For those of you participating for the first time, our purpose is to not only to raise money for the Autism Society of America, but to raise awareness about Autism. Each year we learn so much and hope to share any and all information with as many people in SL that we can.

IMPORTANT: Every linden collected is filtered into the BLUES FOR AUTISM account, held by avatar Blu Waters, and at the end of the fundraiser all funds are given the Autism Society.

Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others. Autism is defined by a certain set of behaviors and is a "spectrum disorder" that affects individuals differently and to varying degrees. There is no known single cause for autism, but increased awareness and funding can help families today.

In December 2009, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued their ADDM autism prevalence report. The report concluded that the prevalence of autism had risen to 1 in every 110 births in the United States and almost 1 in 70 boys. The issuance of this report caused a media uproar, but the news was not a surprise to the Autism Society or to the 1.5 million Americans living with the effects of autism spectrum disorder. Nonetheless, the spotlight shown on autism as a result of the prevalence increase opens opportunities for the nation to consider how to serve these families facing a lifetime of supports for their children.

Based on statistics from the U.S. Department of Education and other governmental agencies, autism is growing at a startling rate of 10-17 percent per year. At this rate, the Autism Society estimates that the prevalence of autism could reach 4 million Americans in the next decade.

Autism knows no racial, ethnic, or social boundaries; family income levels; lifestyle choices; or educational levels, and can affect any family and any child.

And although the overall incidence of autism is consistent around the globe, it is four times more prevalent in boys than in girls.

Attached is the link for the Autism Society and the Blues For Autism 2010 blog from last year. You can read more there about our fund raising efforts and the great events that bring us all closer in this meaningful cause.

Link to Autism Society
Link to Blues for Autism 2010 and Blues for Autism 2009

We thank you in advance for your interest and support,
Magi McBride - Founder

and the incredible BFA team
Leanna Chaffe
Yordie Sands
Breeze Windrum
Tippy WIngtips
Dillon Janus
Thor Effingham
Takamatsu Soke
Merrymay Lorsgval
Kitten Lytton