Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Underground Garage Goes Impromptu

An impromptu affair... well, ok an impromptu event... took place Sunday, April 17th at the Underground Garage. MrDs Magic and Layla Mesmeriser (who by the way are giving all club proceeds given this month to Blues for Autism) IM'd me to tell me that the DJ, IsisRea Diavolo wanted to turn her gig into a BFA event with all tips going to BFA!

I arrived at the UG about 5:30 pm and quite a few people had already gathered. A lot of people I already knew were there and a few I didn't. A very friendly group was enjoying DJ Isis' set of "Dirty Blues Women" (greatest Blues women). I spoke with Isis and she relayed to me the fact that her mother worked with Autistic children and how much it meant to her mom to be able to do so.

The gang at Underground Garage was rockin' and DJ Isis was spinnin'
(far left foreground Ron Zimer, Magi, Layla in pink, MrDs far right).

IsisRea Diavolo is from Romania, is founder and owner of Dirty Waves Radio & Homeless Shelter and Diavolo Creations. She is a builder and creator excellent grunge buildings and clothing. Her musical taste runs deep and in many directions, including, but not limited to old rock and roll, and blues. She is always willing to help out anyone in need, and never asks for anything in return. She loves SL for the great friends she has made and the opportunity to share the music, which is her passion

As Isis cranked out her tunes, more people (at least 35 when I dared to risk the lag and look) and even more donations continued rolling in. However, my attempt at taking my only picture that night crashed me with L$30k on the kiosk. When I returned the total was over L$60k and these great people weren't done. The friendship between the patrons at the UG runs deep, and they challenged each other for a few more hours and by the time Isis wrapped things up for the night, MrDs reported an amazing total of L$120,000 raised.

DJ IsisRea Diavolo, a hot lady with a big heart! 

Many many thanks go out to the Underground Garage, MrDs, Layla, Isis and their amazing patrons.

by Magi McBride

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